
More complex pathfinding (Genetic Algorithms).

More complex pathfinding (Genetic Algorithms).

* \remark This file is part of VITA.
* \copyright Copyright (C) 2016-2019 EOS di Manlio Morini.
* \license
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at
* \see
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "kernel/vita.h"
using maze = std::vector<std::string>;
enum cell {Start = 'S', Goal = 'G', Wall = '*', Empty = ' '};
using cell_coord = std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>;
// Taxicab distance.
double distance(cell_coord c1, cell_coord c2)
return std::max(c1.first, c2.first) - std::min(c1.first, c2.first) +
std::max(c1.second, c2.second) - std::min(c1.second, c2.second);
enum cardinal_dir {north, south, west, east};
bool crossing(const maze &m, cell_coord pos)
unsigned n(0);
n += pos.first > 0 && m[pos.first - 1][pos.second] == Empty;
n += pos.first + 1 < m.size() && m[pos.first + 1][pos.second] == Empty;
n += pos.second > 0 && m[pos.first][pos.second - 1] == Empty;
n += pos.second + 1 < m[0].size() && m[pos.first][pos.second + 1] == Empty;
return n > 2;
cell_coord update_coord(const maze &m, cell_coord start, int d)
Expects(d == north || d == south || d == west || d == east);
auto to(start);
case north:
if (start.first > 0)
case south:
if (start.first + 1 < m.size())
case west:
if (start.second > 0)
if (start.second + 1 < m[0].size())
return m[to.first][to.second] == Empty ? to : start;
std::vector<cell_coord> extract_path(const vita::i_ga &dirs, const maze &m,
cell_coord start, cell_coord goal)
std::vector<cell_coord> ret;
cell_coord now(start);
for (unsigned i(0); i < dirs.size() && now != goal; ++i)
const auto dir(dirs[i]);
cell_coord prev;
prev = now;
now = update_coord(m, now, dir);
} while (now != prev && now != goal && !crossing(m, now));
if (now == goal)
return ret;
std::pair<cell_coord, unsigned> run(const vita::i_ga &dirs, const maze &m,
cell_coord start, cell_coord goal)
const auto path(extract_path(dirs, m, start, goal));
return {path.back(), path.size()};
void print_maze(const maze &m)
const std::string hr(m[0].size() + 2, '-');
std::cout << hr << '\n';
for (const auto &rows : m)
std::cout << '|';
for (const auto &cell : rows)
std::cout << cell;
std::cout << "|\n";
std::cout << hr << '\n';
maze path_on_maze(const std::vector<cell_coord> &path, maze base,
cell_coord goal)
for (const auto &c : path)
base[c.first][c.second] = '.';
base[path.front().first][path.front().second] = Start;
if (path.back() == goal)
base[goal.first][goal.second] = Goal;
return base;
int main()
using namespace vita;
const cell_coord start{0, 0}, goal{16, 16};
const maze m =
" * ",
" * *** * ********",
" * * ",
" *** ********* * ",
" * * * * ",
" ***** ***** *** ",
" * * * ",
"** * ***** * * * ",
" * * * * * * ",
"** * * * * * * * ",
" * * * * * ",
" ******* ********",
" * * ",
"**** * * * ***** ",
" * * * * * ",
" *** * ***** * * ",
" * * * "
const auto length(m.size() * m[0].size() / 2);
// A candidate solution is a sequence of `length` integers each representing
// a cardinal direction.
ga_problem prob(length, {0, 4});
prob.env.individuals = 150;
prob.env.generations = 20;
auto f = [m, start, goal](const i_ga &x)
const auto final(run(x, m, start, goal));
return -distance(final.first, goal) - final.second / 1000.0;
ga_search<decltype(f)> search(prob, f);
const auto best_path(extract_path(, m, start,
print_maze(path_on_maze(best_path, m, goal));
An GA-individual optimized for combinatorial optimization.
Definition: i_ga.h:25
std::size_t size() const
Definition: i_ga.h:71
unsigned distance(const i_mep &lhs, const i_mep &rhs)
base_t base(const value_t &v)
A simple shortcut for casting an value_t to base_t.
Definition: real.h:49
The main namespace for the project.
value_t run(const T &ind)
A handy short-cut for one-time execution of an individual.